Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two Months Post Infusion

It's been 2 months since my first infusion on Ocrevus.  I wish I have more to report, but there really isn't much to report as far as differences in my condition.  I understand that it may take an extended period of time to see any results.  Overall, I've had a decent month as far as symptoms, with good and bad days.  Recently, I went on a few days of Prednisone which had some dramatic effects on my walking and fatigue levels.  However, that is not a long term solution, so I expect my levels to go back up in the next few days.  The weather is finally cool here in Wisconsin, which should also help.  We had a hot summer, and it was challenging.  Still good buzz in the news about Ocrelizumab and seems like it's still on track for approval before the end of the year.  :)