Friday, February 10, 2017

One Month Post 6 Month Infusion

So, I'm getting a little worried and discouraged. I am trying to maintain a positive attitude, and know that this will take some time. It's hard when you hear stories about others on this drug who have had success with reduced symptoms.  Unfortunately, mine continue to get worse. It's winter in Wisconsin, and luckily, we haven't had really any snow this year. But the cold gets to me. I am deteriorating, and struggle to walk distances without significant effort. I went on a trip to Texas a little over a week ago for work, and walking through the airport was a real struggle. I'm suppose to go on a few more trips in the next few months, and have second thoughts on doing them due to all the walking required. I'm even having issues typing this message, as my right hand no longer wants to cooperate as I type. I don't really care what people think, but I now park almost exclusively in the handicapped spots. I need to use my cane if I'm not inside and can hug the walls. I struggle with stairs, so avoid them. I realize that so many are waiting for this drug to be approved, so I wish that I had stories of how this performs miracles.  For now, for me, it hasn't seemed to do much. I will continue to hope for a turn around, and see the progression of this disease stop. Being patient is really difficult, but it's the only thing that I can do right now. It's been one month since my 2nd infusion, which occurred at 6 months. I really hope to see some good things soon.