Monday, April 17, 2017

Worst MS Week Ever...

I traveled for business last week to Texas.  Coincidentally, I had my worst MS week ever. The combination of additional walking, and some personal events that caused significant stress led to a very challenging week. To top it off, I fell twice yesterday. Once at home, and once in the gas station parking lot. My balance has been really off lately, and I never really worried about it too much. However, when I spent my night researching wheelchairs and walkers on Amazon, it gets a little depressing. I need to convince myself that I cannot be a burden on anyone, and that the people who are in my life understand what is involved when dealing with MS.  I have to move forward without worrying about anyone who may have abandoned me, and live with my future in mind.  I have a couple of months before my next MRI and infusion, but hope that it doesn't continue to get worse as Ocrevus is suppose to be my miracle drug. There is so much buzz after the FDA approval, so I need to stay positive.  I need to remind myself that I have been lucky to start this before most people, and it isn't something that is going to be fixed overnight.  So, I knew the day would come where I might need a wheelchair or a walker.  I just didn't expect it to be so soon.  :(