Monday, September 4, 2017

1 year+ on Ocrevus

My initial infusion was just over a year ago.   When I was originally approved to go on the CHORDS trial, I was super excited.  I really had high hopes for this drug and it's capabilites.  After a year, and 3 full doses, I am not so sure that it is doing anything for me.  The only good thing is that my MRI doesn't show any significant findings.  Otherwise, I continue to degrade in pretty much all my symptoms.  A year ago, I could still walk around without a cane, although with a limp and balance issues.  Now, I cannot walk without the cane, and am on the verge of getting a mobility scooter.  I am seeing a little relief now that the weather is getting cooler, as I had a very difficult summer in the heat.  I battle fatigue on a regular basis.  Most of my symptoms are not he right side of my body, but are starting to get worse on my left side.  I was hopeful for the miracle and potential that Ocrevus was supposed to deliver, but apparently, I am part of that small percentage where the drug doesn't work.  I am committed to finishing the trial, but will have additional conversations with my Neuro on alternatives.  I truly hope that this drug works for all those who are using.  I also hope that it's just taking longer for me than usual, and that I'll start seeing results.  Good Luck everyone.