Friday, December 15, 2017

Final Infusion on CHORDS Trial

This is my 5th infusion today if you count the 1st two half doses. I've been on this medication for a year and a half, and will need to go in for some final MRI and blood tests within the next 6 months. I have applied to continue taking Ocrevus with my insurance company, but am skeptical on the results that I have seen so far. I will wait until after those final MRI images come back before making any decisions to change. Here is how my last infusion went.

Weight: 252
Initial Blood Pressure:  120/74
Initial Temp: 98 degrees
Initial Blood Sugar: 85
EDSS Score: 4.5

11:40 Start IV
12:45-12:00pm - Solumedrol
12:03 - Blood Sugar 106
12:04 - Premeds

12:30   Temp 97.9 / BP 126/82 - Pulse 78
12:45   Temp 98.1 / BP 137/78 - Pulse 77
13:00   Temp 98.1 / BP 128/82 - Pulse 81
13:15   Temp 98 / BP 126/84 - Pulse 78
13:30   Temp 97.5 / BP 121/73 - Pulse 85
14:00   Temp 98.3 / BP 125/79 - Pulse 83
14:30   Temp 98.7 / BP 127/84 - Pulse 88
14:45   Naxopren
15:00   Temp 98 / BP 122/71 - Pulse 89
15:30   Temp 98.4 / BP 121/83 -  Pulse 84
16:00   Temp 98.3 / BP 126/82 - Pulse 88
16:30   Temp 98.2 / BP 127/81 - Pulse 84
17:00   Temp 98.2 / BP 137/83 -  Pulse 90
17:30   Temp 98.5 / BP 130/78 - Pulse 85
18:00   Temp 98.4 / BP 139/82 - Pulse 85

Here is a picture of the infusion rates: 

I was able to drive myself to and from the infusion without issue. Although I don't feel like the disease is not progressing, my EDSS score did go down from 6 to 4.5. Not sure how this happened, since I wasn't able to finish the walking porting of the test.  I slept for about an hour total during this infusion, but spend the rest of the time on my ipad either working or surfing the net. No side effects at all during this infusion.