Friday, July 29, 2016

Post Infusion Improvement

I wanted to post an update with my improvements the day after my infusion.  I am assuming that this is only due to the steroid infusion I had yesterday.  Although I have used Prednisone in the past, this is the first time I've had it administered interveniously.  The biggest issue I had was not being able to sleep last night.  I didn't have trouble falling asleep, but was up numerous times throughout the night for extended periods.  Although my heart rate was normal, I was cogniscent of my beating heart while I was laying there.  When I got up today, I did see some big improvements in my walking and balance, and noticed that I didn't have the knee pain or soreness in my arms that I normally have. I also did not have any cramping or ligament stiffness today.  I don't think that this has anything to do with Ocrelizumab, but the steroids.  I wanted to post this so that people would know what to expect post-infusion.  I don't know how long this reduction in MS symptoms will last, but I'm happy to be having a great MS day.


  1. I too am on the study. I think this is so on point! Stay strong, fellow warrior.

  2. Any side effects day or 2 after?
    In in the study now

  3. Keep going! I have been in the study since 2014. So far so good. No major changes in progression (knock on wood). My sister is on Lemtrada (started with the study) and she is doing ok but not quite as well - more relapses.
    Good luck!!
