Monday, August 29, 2016

One Month Post Infusion

I thought that I would give a quick update one month after my first infusion of Ocrelizumab. Although there hasn't seemed to be any improvement in my condition, I haven't had any adverse side-effects due to the drug. Now it's my understanding that this could take up to a year to see any changes, so I wasn't really expecting anything to change this quickly. I also understand that there might not be any improvement.  The primary goal is to stop the progression of MS.  I still monitor my symptoms on a regular basis, and you can see there are still some ups and downs, but seems to be trending downward slightly.

These scores are not based on the EDSS model.  They are an average of all my major symptoms based upon a personal rating system as of that day.

I have had some success in managing my MS in the past month, as well as some distinct challenges. I have personally changed my diet significantly in the past few weeks, and have dropped almost 14 pounds from right before my first infusion.  I've also tried to drink as much water as possible.  I'm still battling fatigue, so I don't think that the Amantadine is working, but will continue to take it.  This past weekend, I did a ton of yard work and house cleaning, and did pretty well with a lot of breaks.  I am paying for it today with a tough MS day, but I'm trying to keep my spirits up.

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