Monday, July 11, 2016

Mobility, Canes, and Falling on my face

I've been hesitant to use a cane, but find myself hugging the walls and struggling with long distances. I tripped and fell at work last week, the first time that has happened at work. I was trying to hurry to a meeting, and my shoe tripped over the carpet when I didn't pick my foot up far enough. I fell hard. I have the rug burn on my elbow, and sprained knee to prove it. I had difficulty getting up. No one saw me, but it was still embarrassing. A week later and my leg still hurts. Having sprained my knee again, I was reminded that I heal much slower these days. I went to a Milwaukee Brewers game yesterday and used my cane to help traverse the distance to the stadium from the parking lot. I tried not to pay attention to the people, but walking down the steps to my seat was slow, and I'm painfully aware that people are impatient behind me. I now keep 2 canes in my car, just in case.

My MS symptoms have degraded very quickly in the past 6 months, and I've now accepted that I need to have some type of mobility assistance when walking long distances. I'm really getting nervous that my condition has deteriorated enough that even trying something like Ocrelizumab will not help. But, I'm am cautiously optimistic that it will be a life-saver for me. I'm back at work today, and really struggling with the fatigue and walking. But, I brought donuts for the staff, as it's tradition to do so for your Birthday. I turned 45 yesterday, and hope to see science create more breakthroughs for MS in the coming years. My first infusion is a few weeks off still.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what it does to me.  :)

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