Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A drug has no name. Wait, it's Ocrevus.

Looks like Ocrelizumab actually does have a name for the retail market.  Ocrevus.  It's interesting that the drug names are all made up words, probably in an attempt to ensure that the domain name still exists. All other dictionary names have been taken, so they need to make stuff up.  It's nice the Ocrevus is at least easier to pronounce than Ocrelizumab.

Update:  Initial blood tests came back with good results, so I'm still a go for the infusion on the 28th.  My Cholesterol is low, which has always been true.  My triglycerides are high.  Everything else looks great.  A week from today is the final blood tests, and 2 weeks from tomorrow is the infusion. Today is sort of a relapse from a relapse.  It is the first "Good" MS day I've had in a while.  My symptoms seem to always be present, so having a day where they are less noticeable is very welcome.

FDA grants priority review for Genentech's Ocrevus (Ocrelizumab) Biologics License Application.

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