Monday, July 18, 2016

Tracking Levels and Symptoms

My symptoms have progressed enough in the last six months that it's hard to pinpoint when different things started happening. I decided that throughout this trial of Ocrelizumab, I would track the symptoms in a spreadsheet to see if there is any improvement or decline over time. I'll use a google spreadsheet that will be open to anyone, and eventually create charts to graph the progress. There is a quick link on the side of this page, but you can click here to view the baseline spreadsheet.

I'm hoping to see these numbers decline after I get the treatment, but understand that there are no guarantees. Yesterday was a particularly difficult day, MS wise, so it's a good starting point. I realize that there is a definite potential that things could get worse, and at least I'll be able to see the trends for my most common symptoms.

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