Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Final Tasks: MRI, Blood Test, and Pee in Cup...

Getting into the death tube now seems like routine.  I think that this is the 4th MRI I've done in the past 2 years.  I'm not claustrophobic and I enjoy being able to just relax and think when I'm in the MRI machine.  The substance they inject made my hand feel heavy and left a metallic taste in my mouth, but that's pretty much the extent of the downside of an MRI.  I did my final blood and urine test today as well.  Only one week left until my first infusion.  I'm getting excited about the possibility of getting some of my life back.  I do have copies of a couple of my older MRI's.  Since this is part of a drug study, I probably won't personally get to have copies of the MRI from today, so here is a sequence from 2014 when I was diagnosed:

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