Saturday, July 23, 2016

Reduction in lesions?

I have read through enough articles about Ocrelizumab to get excited just due to the possibility of reducing the number of brain lesions. In the phase II study, 220 people with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis had reductions in the total number of brain lesions detected by MRI scans with 96 percent of people who had the 2,000mg dosage and 89 percent who had the 600mg dosage, compared to placebo. Additionally, the annualized relapse rate was reduced by 80 percent compared to placebo for those on the 600mg dosage.  (73% for the 2,000mg)

Just the idea of being able to reduce the number of lesions, or stopping new ones from forming is exciting. I realize that this is still a long journey for me, and I may not see results, if any, for a while.  I tell people that I'm cautiously optimistic, and that I feel lucky that I get to participate in this study.  On the MS SubReddit, I had questions on how I was able to get involved with Ocrelizumab.  Honestly, I was proactive and asked my Neurologist, and said that I really wanted this drug. We went down the path of getting approved for Lemtrada as an alternative while waiting for this opportunity, but I'm glad that I was accepted to the study. I am patient number one for this specific research facility, and I know that there are 2 more queued right behind me. Less than a week away until I get started.

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