Friday, August 12, 2016

Battling Fatigue - Amantadine

When I went into the office earlier this week to get my 2nd Ocrelizumab infusion, I asked the Neurologist if there was anything that I could do to help with my increasing fatigue. I struggle with getting tired even doing small things, and hoped that there would be something that could help. He explained that there are a number of different options for Multiple Sclerosis patients who experience fatigue, but suggested we try a drug called Amantadine. Apparently, this drug has been on the market so long for use with Parkinson's disease patients, that there is only a generic version of it. I filled the prescription yesterday, and there was no charge from my insurance. I have a couple of business trips coming up, and I dread how tired I get dragging my luggage through the airport.  Hopefully, this will help address the fatigue while I wait to see how Ocrelizumab works for me. I will say that I had a hard time sleeping last night, and was up a number of times. I'll have to ensure that I don't take it too late in the day. There are other options if this doesn't seem to work, so let's hope for the best!

*** Amantadine is used to treat Parkinson's disease and conditions similar to those of Parkinson's disease. It also is used to prevent and treat respiratory infections caused by influenza A virus.  Amantadine is an antiviral medication used to prevent or treat certain influenza infections. It has been demonstrated that this amantadine, through some unknown mechanism, is sometimes effective in relieving fatigue in multiple sclerosis.


  1. There is a correlation between the Epstein Barr Virus and MS. Since Amantadine is prescribed for type A influenza, and is acting as an antiviral agent, perhaps it is reducing the level of EBV, thus relieving fatigue. Thank you for creating this blog and sharing your story. Sending you best wishes on your journey!

  2. I took this for about 6 months- I begin to feel myself getting very dizzy about every afternoon. I did not put two and two together until I went to my general practitioner and she ask why I was taking amantadine. - She seemed confused about it . Anyway I got to thinking and looking up possible side effects of the drug. I stopped taking it and almost immediately i no longer became dizzy in the afternoons - I honestly feel much better now than with any improvement I may have received from taking this drug .

  3. I took amantadine for about nine months for my ms fatigue. I started getting dizzy and having motion sickness about every afternoon but I failed to put two &two together until my general practitioner questioned why I was taking it so I did some googling. Anyway I stop taking it immediately and within a couple days all my dizziness was gone and I really feel much better now. I guess my message is just to be careful
