Friday, June 30, 2017

One Week Post Infusion: Relapse

Not really what I was hoping for after my latest Ocrevus infusion.  Unfortunately, the past week has been extremely challenging, and my MS symptoms are worse than ever.  I went back to the Neurologist today and had a full exam.  My EDSS score was 6.5 today.  On my walking test, I was told to stop after 7 of the 10 laps because I was so slow and struggling.  My doctor gave me the option of checking into the hospital today, or waiting until Monday.  Without any way to make the proper arrangements for my dogs, I chose to wait until Monday.  I have Tuesday off for the 4th anyway, so go America.  You know it's bad when your boss asks you point blank when you're getting a scooter.  I suppose that it's inevitable, but hoping that the steroid next week will help.  Sounds like I'll get 3 days in a row with 1000mg of solumedrol.  I'm supposed to go on vacation at the end of next week, so I'm concerned if these symptoms don't lessen.  

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