Tuesday, July 4, 2017

In Hospital on a Holiday!

Happy 4th of July. I'll be enjoying America's birthday by getting a steroid infusion of Solu-merdrol.  Actually, today is day 2 of 3 for the steroid infusion. The doctor yesterday said that I should be able to start seeing the effects of the steroid after the 2nd infusion of 1000mg. The hospital staff is very nice, but asks for my birthday a million times a day, and want me to notify them every time I have to go to the bathroom so they can stand outside the door. I'm getting a lot of ipad time while sitting in this chair, so I thought I'd update the blog. In addition to the infusion, my neurologist ordered an MRI of my spine yesterday to review.  I was in the MRI machine for just over 2 hours, which got a bit uncomfortable. They asked what kind of music I liked, but then never actually played anything. I don't think that this hospital visit is part of what's covered in the CHORDS trial, so it will most likely go on my insurance. If so, I'll ask for copies of the MRI.

The hospital food is very bland, but I have good options. I'm in pretty good spirits, but am a little skeptical that even the steroids will do anything to help.  I've also seen on a few of the Facebook groups that people get this infusion from their doctor's office.  It would have been nice not to have to stay overnight in the hospital, as it seems excessive, expensive, and unnecessary.  I'll be sure to ask the next time I see my MS Nurse.

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